I personally love the current statement in the SAP HANA troubleshooting guide regarding HEX:
"In SAP HANA, the SQL query processor parses SQL statements and generates SQL query execution plans.
As the query processor and the query optimizer continue to be developed (in, for example, the new HANA
Execution Engine - HEX) the resultant execution plans for a given query may change from one HANA release to
another, or the plan may change because the data being queried has been reorganized; it is therefore possible
that the performance of an SQL query statement may degrade."
With SPS06 and even more so with SPS07, the HEX engine was used more frequently. This results on the one hand side in easy scenario to perfect results with lower memory and CPU consumption ending up in faster response times. But in scenarios with FAE (for all entries) together with FDA (fast data access), it can result in bad performance. We faced scenarios with 10x times more runtime and +30% CPU load. There are also other scenarios, please have a look at the table below. After some customers upgraded their first systems to SPS07 I recommended to wait for Rev. 73/74, but some started early with Rev. 71/72 and we had to troubleshoot many statements. If you have similar performance issues after the upgrade to SPS07 feel free to contact us!
Our current recommendation is to use min. Rev. 79.01 with some workarounds. The performance degradation is extreme in systems like EWM and BW with high analytical workload, but also a lot of S/4 systems are affected. Some issues can only be fixed with an update. This means no workaround!
There are also cases in SAP standard coding that can be solved using always the latest SAP's delivered statement hints (2700051) or by implementing SAP notes for adding an ABAP hint (e.g. 3359519). We are checking this performance aspects in our health check services. If you want to be on the safe side, contact us - it's better to be safe than sorry.
### Update 11 / 2024 ###
Starting with Rev. 76, the problems became less. But in recent weeks, more and more customers have updated to SPS07 with special scenarios (e.g. fiori) and again raised many new problems. The new recommendation is to use at least Rev. 79.01 with workarounds.
Here we collected some of the current notes which affecting the performance of the system in the context of HEX [status: 03-02-2025]:
older HEX issues
latest HEX issues
HEX Issue not fixed
Some statistics on the current support S/4HANA releases:
S/4 Release details
DB Hint issues*
number of fixes for HEX performance issues in S/4*
statistic of number of fixes and their related SPS*
You can see that the most fixes were applied in the latest / upcoming SPS (e.g. S/4 HANA 2022 SPS04 - SAPK-10704INS4CORE which was released in 07/2024). This means a lot of customers are currently affected by the performance issues and can only apply the single notes!
*The statistics figures are without guarantee and subject to change